The historical Buddha was particularly skillful at varying his message to the audience in front of him. His messages can sound very different and also in conflict. To his monastic disciples he would teach the precepts, austere study and discipline while daily nourishment was provided by begging for food within the lay community. To the non-monastics his Dharma messages were about deep listening. Hearing the Dharma bathes us in the principles of Buddhism. This course will explore the importance of listening as Buddhist practice and how we can develop this skill.

Your Instructor

Rev. Jon Turner


Lead Minister for Everyday Buddhist. Resident Minister at Orange County Buddhist Church. High School athlete, UCLA mathematician, and computer programmer, who found Buddhism mid-career and changed the course of his life. Earned a Master’s degree from the Institute of Buddhist Studies and was ordained as a full-time Shin Buddhist Minister at the Nishi Hongwangi in Kyoto, Japan.